47:41.097N 009:52.073W
SV Eleonora
Michael A. Andronov
Fri 13 Jul 2018 01:53
UTC 0115
3744.4 nm passed...
We are on the same starboard tack. The wind
has veered, indeed. We are going now N, or NNE --- 000 or 010 T...
At least, both numbers -- Latittude and
Longitude -- are moving in the right direction... But very slowly...
The conditions at the moment are really on
the light side... Force 3 at the maximum ( about 8 kts winds with a light
swell ). It makes the beating against --- easy in terms of movement, rolling of
the boat... But slow. Another side effect -- it is ver difficult to wake up
for boat check-up and for the 'night watch'.
Bad radio propagaiton -- made conversation with the
'wizard of the weather' impossible, and now we are on our own.
Which, on the possitive thinking, is proving phylosophical
point that - less you know, more
optimistic and enthusiastic you are usually, about your challenge
ahead; or in other words, the knowledge and awareness
are multiplying the sadness...
The wind is still doing what we have been
expecting... We are progressing in the right direction, and that is
as far as we care for the moment...
Our destination is Falmouth. The point, where
we should make official 'landfall' and enter
What is going to happen next ? Completely
none-aware. It depends on so many things... It may be continuation of
travelling east, following the South cost of UK...
it may be staying in Falmouth... it may be
travelling to the southern island, it may be... There is no point at this
moment to think too much about it, since so much information and
details are unknown / missing... The only thing I can
predict about the arrival -- the first 24 hours...
a. immigration, customs,
check -in;
b. sleep... slieep...
But it is still quite a distance to go, to tack, to
On that note -- I'm going to have a
short nap...
Talk to you later,