12:22.440N 64:39.880W
SV Eleonora
Michael A. Andronov
Mon 13 Nov 2017 20:15
We tacked
again! The phylosophical and melancholic afternoon has been interrupted by the apperance of the new player -- The Current. I naively thought that I have experience currents before... I've been naive. Period. A new current -- first blocked our progress nearly completely... Well, we were still sailing... stearing same course, and making good speed... Sun, waves... The light problem - we were moving... No, we were not moving... Interesting experience... ;-) So, we tacked. I learned something else today. If I thought I learned how to tack the boat -- I have to think again. Seems like the amount of mistakes I can do during the tacking -- is unlimited. But we managed, stabilised... And sailing again. The only thing is -- the wind conditions are the same as in the morning, the steering course -- the same as in the morning... But we are moving over the ground ... Nearly South... with a very small progress East. But the last -- what does matter -- we are still moving East! ;-) All above is forecasting a busy night... I would like to see a moon, but I'm not sure it will be one today... That is all for now. We are OK. Still moving East. Learing our lessons and making homeworks! ;-) Have a great day, Michael. ----- SOG 5.5-6 kts COG 180-190M // Steering 165.M ( that is a bugger!!! I hope it will stop at some point!! Wind 98-105 M, 12-15 kts Odometer says -- we made 882 nm ( and until now -- most in the right direction!!! ). |