49:41.022N 006:19.087W

SV Eleonora
Michael A. Andronov
Sun 15 Jul 2018 09:33
UTC 0915
3974.8 nm... behind... and computer is
promising 22 nm for the turning point... I'm stlil sceptical, and would
belive it when I see it...
But I see the land! It is the point with the
wonderful name -- Lands End... And we are passing it by, I hope, in the
right direction, NE... towards more land ahead...
I wonder what Robin Knox-Johnston was feeling
as he was returning from his first none-stop trip...
The wind, which was holding and was giving us a
hand -- seems to be tired of us... Or decided to play another game...
He is veering more and more with each
hour... But since the apparlent wind is following, and moving towards the
beam -- there is less and less support.... ( The wind is still too light...
) With all conlstant sails trimming -- we are still progressively 'slowing
The big fluke of ships of all kinds has been on
radar a while ago... They were moving in the opposite direction. I
would not be sulprised that they were picking some tidal current in the area, to
get some extra 'help'.... Most probably... But that also means
-- I'm going against that current, most probably.... We
will learn it, and get used to it... But not today, next time... ;-)
Meantime -- trying to maintain the speed, trying
not to look on computer screen....
We will be there at some point... But right now --
it is the boat job, not mine... And since I have nothing to do -- as
always -- I'm looking around, some cleaning, double checking the
Talk soon,