Nov. 14th... On a way to Almerimar; Progressing to Cabo de Gata...

SV Eleonora
Michael A. Andronov
Sun 14 Nov 2021 13:37
37:16.093N 001:26.758W UTC 1337 November 14th… We are a bit closer to Cabo de Gata… Still a lot of fun to ride the boat… But more wind, progressivly higher waves, and the slower progress forward the goal…. Had do reduce some sailes — now we are running full main and furled yankee… The boat is doing a fantastic job! But the weather — and wind in particular — is changing its temer… Now we have 13-16 knts constantly from 190-196T ( SSW )… Add to this our 6-7 knots against it ( close haul ), and it is slowly becoming a bit more serious… Because of waves — already ‘good 1.5 m’ and wind direction — we can not really pointing to direction we would like… Suddenly I remember… My original plan was to arrive to the mainlaind Spain somewhere more North them Cartagena… and to spend the next up to 24 hours for waiting the proper Northerly winds… Seems like the fact that I came straight to Cartagena área… has not been ’strategically right’ , and now we — especially the boat — are paying consecuences. The thought of a long and not easy night started to build up… But everything ok, and we are still making sailing! No complaines ! Talk to you soon! M. Phone, whatsapp, & text: +1(514)609-5645 |