42:12.236N 23:12.627W
SV Eleonora
Michael A. Andronov
Fri 6 Jul 2018 01:31
UTC & local time -- 2216...
Total milage we done since I left Antigua --
2992.2 nm...
If I follow the route as the bird flyes ... I
have 881.3 nm to go... ( Thank you, computer... But I still do not trust
you... no offense.... )
I'm going to try a new technique tonight... I first
write the blog, and THEN I'm going to eat, to relax,
etc... I'm a bit tired to wake up on navigation table, picking up my
noise from the keyboard... for two main reasons -- to deactivate what my noise
has typed during the sleep... is a bit of a pain... and to put the neck in
order... is not really fun...
That said -- the blog record may be short, since
I'm actually hungry...
Today has been a very good day... ( I
know the reason, but I'm getting more and more superstitious... So I
would check first if my theory is right... ) But the day
has been really good! Starting good -- clear and nice connection to the
mailserver, the day has been good after, and it is still good!
Finally, we are moving toward the
destination! Not for a long though, I still have to take
the next detour -- to be at the point where the freshly Northerly winds
should start on Saturday... Somewhere around 44N 17W... But...
the vilocity made good -- shows good numbers, the distance to destination
clicking down... We are progressing!!!
The jobs for the boat includes repair
some lines -- gennaker sheets, halyards,
re-installing a reserved (old ) furling line for yankee... ,.
Sounds not much when you put it on the list... But it took
time, in addition to other regular jobs on board.
The law of ' you want wind -- set
gennaker' -- has gotten an impirecal proof...
During the day, the wind has been getting lighter
and lighter... I decided that it is time to use the old
friend... Looked arround -- yes, nice weather, why
not... But I have to make some cleaning / repairs on gennakre sheets
first... Took some time... Brought the gennager within the bag infront...
prepaired everything to raise it... At this moment -- something diverted
About twenty minutes later -- I'm back, with
idea to remove the yankee, and put the gennaker... But the pictuer changed
--- the wind veered, and went to 13 kts ( apperent )... Barely
enough for yankee, but a bit too much for gennaker...
So, I made a simple trick -- secured the
gennaker in the bag, ready to be lifted if the wind gets weaker and/or
Hapilly runnig since... Under yankee and
main... It is good I did not went into night with gennaker -- would be too much
Another good thing -- I've gotten my left leg
back... It happened around noon. As I've been constantly moving aroud the
boat... I was moving the gennaker bag in position to be lifted... Suddenly I got
the feeling of blood circulation within all the muscles in my leg... All
mucles got nicely warm... and a few hours later -- the leg seemed to
restore to normal state... The only 'negative' part about it ... I lost my
ability to learn celestiral navigation -- since Sunday, 1st, when I touched
something with my left leg -- my eyes were immediately seeing
all the stars and sparks possible, nice and vivid, day
or night... As I said -- the only useful utilisation of fenomena -
you may try it for styding celestiral navigation... So, that
ability gone today... But no regrets, since the associated effects -- all
gone too... Holding my breath, still hard to believe...
Closer to evening -- the wind nearly
vanished... Despite the fact that the gennaker was still in position to
be launched any moment... Was tempting to do it... but hesiated
to go into night with too much power... I've been right
-- the wind veered even more since, and now we would had
definitely been overpower...
So, the dinner is ready, time to go!
Talk soon...