39:31.821N 002:33.776E
SV Eleonora
Michael A. Andronov
Mon 20 May 2019 08:31
UТС 0730 It is hard to believe that the 3 weeks gone since my last post…. But time is flying… The major event? Probably the fact that life on board taking its own ’smooth’ rhythm and becoming more ’normal’ in a wide sense of the word… We are still in Puerto Portals, nearly at the same place. There are couple of reasons for that. I owned to the boat a long list of small jobs: — repairs on the main sail cover; — ’shaving’ the black stripes between the teak deck planks; — checking electronics; — cleaning and checking the generator; — try to find the way to refill the propane tanks;… — etc, etc, etc…. The list is long, but probably the most important — I started to like to work on the boat as much as I like the actual sailing… And I’m really enjoying the smooth running of the day, working on the boat, reading, enjoying company of the new friends… The most interesting event happened — I would say, was a visit to immigration, to Police Nationale… The story is — as Canadien citizen, I’m allowed to stay in Schengen zone for 90 days every 180 days in a year… And then have to leave… Normally, not so many of us are going to Europe for such a long time… Consequently, not so many people are even aware about such limit exists… But travelling on the boat — is a different story… I arrived in Malaga on March 5th, and the time was ticking pretty quick… The folklore between boaters was full of stories how to leave the EU, go to North Africa, to stay there a day or two, and come back… Not a big deal… Easier then to deal with the past due visa in your passport… One day, I became aware about the different solution… A few years ago, I asked myself a question — when I’m in the middle off … say, the Atlantic Ocean… Which jurisdiction am I in ? The logical answer was — Quebec, Canada. Since the boat is under Canadian flag, and the home port is Montreal, Canada. I’ve even asked the Transport Canada — who controlled all the ship flag aspects — the same question… I’ve never gotten the direct answer for my question, but rather the reference(s) to the specific articles of the UN convention on High Seas, and the corresponding articles of the Canadian Shipping Act… ( I have a long discussion on that subject with the members of the Royal St. Lawrence Club in Montreal, as the topic is very hot for boaters, who are leaving Canada for a while… ) To make the story short… I’ve learned that Spain recognised the UN convention and supports it… Still not believing into that completely, I picked the boat papers, passport, and went to the immigration…. About 20 minutes later, I left the office with my passport and the crew list of the boat have been stamped… As the Spain immigration concerns — I’m out of EU and Schengen Zone, living on the vessel under Canadian Flag! At least, one big question for the navigation has been solved — the ‘counter’ is stopped. ( I wonder what would be the answer and support from Canadien and, especially, Quebec government if I claim that I’m still in Canada, though physically, is out of province! Interesting, we will see… one day. ;-) ) Working on the boat. The biggest task is to shave the teak deck, as I call it. Over the time, the teak planks have warned out a bit, and the compound between planks started to stick out…. The procedure is — to take the sharp knife or razor blade and to go behind each and every compound stripe and cut it off to the new level of the planks…. Sounds simple, and it is simple to do… The challenge is — there are two many of them… and it takes time… The weather… Oh, that is a favourite eternal topic. The good part — it is slowly getting warmer and warmer… There have been a few really warm days, with beaches started to be occupied, etc. But the Sea water is still about 17.5 C ( 62-63 F ) degrees…. How the local people are swimming in that water ? I have no idea… ;-) But they do… The good description I got from my neighbour boater — ‘ … A few days ago, when I was pulling my dinghy on the shore, the water was freezing… really freezing… But now — it is OK, very cold, but OK… may be in a month I would be able to swim…’. He is from UK, he is familiar with ’not so warm water’… I feel better that I’m not alone… May be I’m too biased about the weather temperatures… May be it is because it is my first summer season after being for couple of years in tropics, and I’ve not adjusted yet… Of course, I would like it to be very warm NOW, I would like to swim as often as I would like too… ;-) No complains, though. It is very sunny. There are winds. And what is the most important — predictable winds. I’ve found the weather services, which predict the weather pretty accurately. At least - so far…. That is all major news for now. Today is Monday, no holidays here… ;-). And I’m back to work on the boat! Everything is fine on board, Talk to you later, M. Phone / WhatsApp: +1 (514)609-5645 |