44:33:899N 16:42.617W
SV Eleonora
Michael A. Andronov
Mon 9 Jul 2018 09:10
UTC & local time 0908
3307.4 miles... another 572 or so -- to
A nice day around... Like recovering from the
time lag after traveling for a while, I'm coming back in terms with those cloud
parterns, similar to those, I get used to Montreal... Yes, 44N and up...
The days are long, and Sunny, dispite the clouds... Which is bit strange,
after Caribbean...
It looks like finally -- a bit later then expected
-- we are entering the belt of wind 'SUITABLE FOR SAILING"...
For the last hour, may be hour and half -- the wind jumps, the speed
jumps... And though we are still going towards East mostly... the VMG
increased to reasonable numbers...
It has been a long passage so far... One of
the lessons I'm learning -- on a long passage everything becoming fluent... And
longer the passage is -- even the most solid things -- you thought -- are
getting amorph...
I've left Antigua on May 29th... Yes, this
century and this year... ( That is important to remind yourself,
from time to time... ) At that point -- the most solid part of the passage
has been Azores, and then -- Giblartar... On Azores, the plan became less
solid, and we switched to Falmouth, UK... And after few days
in the passage, we are finally getting the better winds for a
change... But the destination becoming blur...
No, no... we are still going to Falmouth,
South coast of UK... ( At least, I sensirely believe so! ) ! What is
bluring -- rather the vision, what actually to do there?
Indeed, the big things are better to watch
from the distance... Closer you are -- more unpredictable detalis...
I wonder if I've discovered a new axiom of sailing -- should call it
Michael's paradox -- ' You can not have the wind and destination at the same
time! ' ( Nicely said, should write it down... )
But regardless of axiom -- have to go back to
books, guides, etc. -- and to figure out what actually to do
in Falmouth, or islads around... or...
I guess, I have to do it in small
dosages, otherwise, I will loose winds again...
Presently, I'm trying to 'embed' into the
wind belt, and if the wind veers a bit,,, I woud probably tack... to check
if we can hold NNE course...
The rest -- 'roitine' on boat... We are
chassing the wind, reading, cooking, cleannig... A 'boring sailing' -- I
would call it at the beginning of the passage...
But even the term 'boring' itself, is getting
amorph after all those days in the Ocean...
That is all for now, talk soon.