39:31.805N 002:33.803E

SV Eleonora
Michael A. Andronov
Mon 29 Apr 2019 15:07
We are in Puerto Portals. On anchor, in front of the Puerto Portals marina.
Today is the first day after the hard 2 weeks of training, exams, and then… final exam.
To make the story short — I’ve passed the exam, and should get my RYA Yachtmaster Offshore papers.
As always with the boats… I’ve met fantastic people.
There were few of us going through that exercise. For different reasons, from different backgrounds, with different goals and plans for the future… But at the same time — in my opinion — so the same somewhere deeply inside.
Probably that what made it possible to become friends, to build a team, and to make all of us pass the exam and to become Yachtmasters!
Yesterday, sitting the ‘oficina tres’ — a small bar across the port — we have been all exhausted after nearly 3 days of exam, happy that we have passed, talking about future plans… and a bit sad — at least myself — that those to weeks gone, and it is time to leave…
Steve, Noel, Jack, Falco! Without your support and help — the outcome would be different, for sure!
See you when I see you, Masters! I would like to hope — it is only the beginning of the story, the end of chapter one, but the story is much longer then that!
Instructors — Mark, Romeo, Phil ! Each of you, in certain way, have changed the way I’m going to sail. Not only sailing, but the way to be on the boat, with the boat. You professionalism, dedication, passion for what you are doing… life appreciation and joy — it has raised and set the different level which should be targeted on everyday being! I’m in debt to you for what you done for me during those remarkable long/short two weeks!
From the bottom of my heart, I wish you all the best!
Guys, once again, thank you all for your help, patience, understanding and support!
My coordinates just below, in case I can do something!
Have a great day,
Fair winds!
Phone / WhatsApp: +1 (514)609-5645