From Sicily to Palma: On approach to Mallorca...
SV Eleonora
Michael A. Andronov
Tue 15 Oct 2019 01:56
39:10.282N 004:48.735E
2051 UTC
COG: 291
SOG: 7.0
Wind: ~195T @ 15-17 knots...
All the area, where the Mallorca and Minorca
should be, is covered with heavy clouds. Sparadically, a lot of
lightings. It looks like the front approaching... ( I've seen
it -- and sailed under it -- only once, near the New York. But then,
Chris Parker has explained to me in detailes and timeline, what will happen... I
still have some vivid memories... ).
I hope it will pass by, not touching us...
It strange and breathtaking to see the Moon and
clean sky on one side ( South), and such a complete mess -- on the
The boat need attention. Talk later...