Nov. 14th... On a way to Almerimar; Sailing Golfo de Vera

SV Eleonora
Michael A. Andronov
Sun 14 Nov 2021 09:05
37:22.806N 001:11.077W UTC 0905 November 14th… We are sailing in Golfo de Vera, making a very slow progress towards the Cabo de Gata. Nice, Sunny day… It is getting warmer and warmer… Nearly the summer again! Light winds and nearly no waves — makes the feeling that the boat is just sliding over the water… The direct line to Cabo de Gata — 228T. The wind is 223-230T, around 7.5-10 knts… Obviously, we have to tack… At the moment, we are going on the port tack, hoping that the wind would became more from the North… and we would be able to tack on more direct route to Cabo De Gata! But that wind shift has not materialized yet!!! If I trust odometer, it claims we have made 230 nm… Everything good, we keep going! Talsk soon, M. __________________ COG: 287 T SOG: 7.0 - 7.2 knts Phone, whatsapp, & text: +1(514)609-5645 |