44:51.885N 15:01.664W

SV Eleonora
Michael A. Andronov
Mon 9 Jul 2018 23:04
UTC & local time 2236...
We made 3381.4 nm from Antigua, and we still
have about 504 nm to go... to UK, Falmouth...
For the reason unknown -- the day has been good for
us, in terms of winds...
We were able to make some progress, mostly near on
direct line to UK...
( It has been a bit contradicting to the
forecast... But whom should I trust ? If the boat and the weater agreed on
course... so be it... )
About 1900 the ship -- Pacific Reefer
-- was passing by, aiming South... I talked to the officer, and it seems the
weather is good ahead of me..
Presently, it is pretty comfortable -- the
wind is Force 3-4, the boat heeling a bit, but not too much... and
Well, moving... I started to say ' moving ' when I
see SOG ( speed over ground ) more then 5 knots... Which is
But if you spent 24+ hours with no
wind, motoring... and then... you suddenly was able to sail again... what
would you say?! ;-)
Talked with Chris... Discussed the next 24 hours...
The goal is clear, the 'wind corridor' is set... And the only thing I'm
not really enthusiastic about -- checking condition each 25 minutes...
Learned a new exercise for training hands and
1. You took about 250 ft of fishing line...
2. You coil it, then twist all
coils haotically... then make a ball out of than line... then throw the
ball all around the salloon or other place on the boat, trying to hit the floor,
walls, etc... The purpose -- to get well twisted mess of fishing line...
3. And then, you find the ends, and start to undo
it back to perfect order... ;-) It a few hours, it puts you in
deep trans, interrupted onlry for checking the boat progress...
In short, we are progressing.
On a plotter, I started to see the boat and
the countours of France, Bay of Biscay, Spair, Portugal... I'm
slowly adopting to the thought that I've actually crossed the Atlantic... Even
if still 'not yet' but I'm definitely closer to Europe then to Americas and/or
Caribs... Is it time to turn back?! ;-)
I do not know... Let me sleep on that ! ;-)
That is all for tonight.
Have a great evening,