No wind, Change of Plans 16:19.8N 85:33.9W

Five Islands
John & Sue
Tue 25 Jun 2013 13:25
Following the thunderstorm yesterday afternoon the wind just died and has not come back. We have been motoring now for 17hrs and have changed our plan and our course. Dani & Jens i(Arwen) informed us at midnight that they had downloaded grib files which showed that the wind was not going to return for a day or 2. Gribs we downloaded indicated this for at least the next 24 hrs so we changed course and are heading for Guanaja, an island off the Honduran coast. We are due to arrive there early this afternoon. We will then make a decision as to whether we continue on to Guatemala or head to Roatan and hole up there until the next tropical wave/low passes, maybe Tue or Wed next week.