position update en route to Galapagos
Island Kea II
Steve and Katrin Everett
Sun 7 Mar 2010 16:31
02:07N 084:48 W
Last two nights have been a bit bumpy so not enough
Last night was showers and lightning in the
distance, luckily not coming too close.
We have now had 3 nights at sea and another 2 to go
- well at least over half way.
Bit of a pain not being able to have a shower every
day - but so be it.
Dolphins were playing with the boat this morning -
it is always such a delight to watch them.
I tried fishing yesterday for 2 hours but did not
catch anything - so spaghetty bolognaise for dinner last
Today is a bit rolly so I am not sure if I fancy
having a go at fishing..
All on board in good spirits and happy that we can
sail rather motor.