Pictures from on the way to Bali

Island Kea II
Steve and Katrin Everett
Wed 3 Nov 2010 11:07

We stopped at Rindja where comodo dragons live.

They are big lizards who can be up to 4 meters long.

Steve saw one on the beach when he was on the boat, but we did not find any when we went to look for them.

However we found the remains of breakfast and also where they live.




Indonesian fishing boat at Rindja          Island Kea on anchor (beach is black)




We had to land the dinghy on the beach..    This is where the komodo dragons live…



This is what is left from breakfast.           Sailing north east of Komodo Island there were strong currents.

                                                                     We were only doing about 5 boat kts but sog was 11.4 kts so over 6 kts of current!!




The above pictures are of small fishing boats..  one under sail going back and the other with the sail down

There were hundreds of these.  In early hours of the morning as it became light they were everywhere

No navigation lights though….


This was on the east side of Bali and it was a great hazard getting through them without going over their nets which were everywhere..