Day 6 to Panama 11th Feb
Island Kea II
Steve and Katrin Everett
Thu 11 Feb 2010 15:03
position 13:09:9N 73:53:3W
last night was 5th night at sea, so only 3 nights
left yay...
We are still on course to arrive Sunday 14th -
possibly late Saturday but it is unlikely that we would be able to arrive in the
last night everyone had a reasonable amount of
sleep, so feeling pretty good today.
Wendy the windwane steering is doing a marvellous
job and not much handsteering needed so far which is great...
looking forward to having the second of the bread
loafs Tom made yesterday for lunch..
Yesterday morning we had several dolphins playing
with the front of the boat and they were lovely. they then disappeared as
quickly as they appeared..
We are now really looking forward to catching up
with the rally in Panama...