Island Kea II - 6th day at sea

Island Kea II
Steve and Katrin Everett
Fri 30 Nov 2007 12:25
Position as at 12.00 midday UTC 30th of of November
23:09.11N 25:50.29W
Yesterday afternoon we flew the cruising chute and made very good progress.  In the night back to normal sails as we had a few squalls and had to reef right down.  We have just put up the parasailor now and we are doing 8kts.  No engine hours in the last 24 hours!!  We are eating well on board.  Yesterday beuf buergion (I know not right spelling) for lunch and spag bog for dinner.  Last night was a bit difficult as there was a lot of rolling.  
We have just spoken to cat-man-do on the radio so they are not too far away.  It it nice to know that there are other yachts about.
Our watch system is 3 hours on 3 hours off moving forward one watch every 24 hours.  Last night I did 3am to 6am so tonight it will be 6am to 9am which is really nice.
We are all still in good spirits and everyone able to get some sleep, sun is shining, dolphins visit us every late afternoon/evening and we are now making good way..
We tend to send/transmit just after noon every day...