Portals Vells

Tom Fenton and Faith Ressmeyer
Tue 10 Sep 2013 15:15
39 28.502N 2 31.330E
Our anchorage for the night. For those who are following us by sea, once the bathers had left the beach we went further up the northernmost finger of this three part cala. This gave us most protection from the strng NE winds that were predicted for the night. We also put out a kedge anchor to try to minimise the effect of the swell. In the wee small hours we got the forecast thunderstorm, followed by the winds. In the morning we watched mesmerised as the lifeboat pulled three yachts off the beach in the southernmost fiunger of the cala. Two other yachts had stayed the night and were fine, one in the middle finger and one between us. I suspect they both used more anchor scope than the casualties. As we breakfasted we watched the lifeboat collect their fees from the rescued boats. Before we left we checked that no one was hurt and all was okay. Then set off with a nice sailing breeze for La Rapita. T