Friday 12th September. And, Relax . . . Change of Plan

Friday 12th September. And, Relax . . . Change of Plan Carol saw the doc, who was not too perturbed by the symptoms. She prescribed some pills to tackle the immediate problem as well as an anti-emetic to be taken before we next set off to sea. After a day or two Carol began to feel normal again. The stand-in electric bilge pump has been replaced with a new and more robust pump than the original one (I suggest that if anyone tells you an electric pump is the latest technology, is highly suitable as a bilge pump but needs a ‘Pump-Gard’ or other such filter/strainer, in the line between it and the source of the water it is pumping, you ignore the guff and go lower tech, lower price and higher reliability). Meanwhile, the two manual bilge pumps have been taken out of the boat for a thorough overhaul. Like many bits of essential yacht equipment these are extremely difficult to access. They were put there by boat builders rather than boat maintainers. Anyway, we can now see what the problem with them was– aluminium corrosion, preventing the inlet and outlet flap valves from closing properly – and no amount of in-situ maintenance would have solved that problem. Off they have gone for bead-blasting, etch-priming and two-pot painting before the rubber diaphragms and valve flaps are replaced. Then they will be as good as new. (Dep Ed- Oh that my oesophagus and pyloric sphincter could be sorted as easily!) With one thing and another we’ve
decided to call it a day for this season.
We are not going to batter our way to That probably means that we miss
seeing several very good American chums who are currently in |