Wednesday 6th June - Galoshes before Galapagos

1:37.41N 86:49.58W Wednesday 6th June – En Passage to the Having completed a few bits of boat maintenance – which inevitably
take longer than they ought – and done some final stocking up in Final provisioning in Having
finished all that and slipped our mooring at the Balboa Yacht Club, we made our
way SW to clear the approach to the Canal and around The
approximately 900 NM trip SW from Arnamentia carries about 360 litres of fuel in her tanks and we supplemented that with another 140 litres in plastic jerry cans strapped to the guardrail. So, around 500 litres in all. With a bit of luck and running the engine at around half revs we could make about 6 knots in flat calm water and perhaps make something over 700 NM before we were out of fuel. We’d make less distance and speed in swell or against an unhelpfully weak head wind – weak enough to be useless; strong enough to be a nuisance. One way or another, motoring the whole way was not an option. The various sources of weather information showed a general pattern of no wind at all in the vicinity of Panama, a light westerly flow a couple of hundred miles down track backing to southerly quite well north of the Equator. So, once we’d got to the wind we had a wind bend clearly inviting us to sail to the inside of the curve, starting off heading more or less for the destination on starboard tack, accepting a continuous heading wind shift and finally tacking to port once we could fetch it on that tack. Things got a bit more involved than that because there was a band of heavy rain hundreds of miles wide and around 100 NM from north to south lying along the track. It really was not practical to try to avoid it and anyway, there would be wind there. The early stages of the voyage involved motoring continuously for the first 18 hours and a mix of motoring and sailing on Saturday and into Sunday morning. On Sunday afternoon we hit the rain belt and we were in that for the next two days – full oilskins albeit with bare feet. By the bye, Mr Musto, Henri Lloyd etc what about breathable oilskin shorts (maybe plus 2’s)? It’s all I’d have wanted in addition to a jacket for such a continuous period of rain in these latitudes. And, how stylish! As each mini system within the overall belt (‘squall’ if you will but we’re not talking very strong winds here – Force 4 or 5) passed through, the wind backed to SSW and then veered to around NNW. That made for a wet and busy couple of days with continual course changes and tacks to try to ensure that we continued to head in some sort of useful direction. But, at least we were under sail – if a bit tired, damp and bedraggled by the end of it. Life would have been easier had Orville the autohelm behaved better when asked to steer to a given wind angle. But, he kept losing the plot and so had to be told to steer a constant compass course in a shifting wind. Which meant, of course, that we had to keep altering the course he was being told to steer. Which you can’t do without clambering up the companionway, into the forward cockpit, across the bridge deck, into the after cockpit and then manoeuvring yourself around the wheel. In the completely vertical, heavy tropical rain. Hm. There has been virtually nothing to see on this passage – not a single other vessel – only a couple of frigate birds and a few flying fish which have landed in the cockpit, and of course the endless, grey sea. Books have been read and iPods listened to. Meals have been somewhat haphazard, mainly pre-prepared frozen ones reheated in the sloping galley – note to purser – next time stock the freezer up with the things you want first on the top! By Tuesday afternoon we’d very largely sailed out of the rain belt
and got far enough south (getting towards 2ºN) to pick up the more
constant southerly winds. We’ve
been sailing very steadily SW under reefed main and yankee since then and
averaging around 6 knots – maybe a bit more. Why reefed? Because one of the Fredricksen mainsail
batten cars decided yesterday that enough was enough and fell apart on us. We can’t replace that until Chris Austin
arrives. So, we’ve hoisted the
mainsail with 2 reefs in it to get above the bottom batten. As at 1000 this morning (1600 BST) we
had about 250NM to run and much more diesel (around 365 litres) than we
need. So, that’s OK then. Might not bother refuelling in the