Thursday 7th June - Pollywogs no more.

0:00.00S 88:03.31W Thursday 7th June Crossing the Line Arnamentia is now in the southern hemisphere! Her crew are Pollywogs no more as Jon and Carol have now crossed the equator at sea and can be considred as members of the court of King Neptune! We should have had a few more photographic rehearsals as the crucial all zero display was missed by 17/50ths of a second of Latitude – the sun had come out and there was too much glare – well that’s the photographer’s excuse! We’ll be better prepared off the Brazilian coast when going north in two years time.
Evidence that we’ve crossed the Equator
The little green blob under “ We
have been nursing a special bottle of fizz for some while, given to Jon on his
60th by Chris Copeland with strict instructions that it not be opened
until we were in the southern hemisphere.
Neptune, Oh God of the Sea, You can see why Carol read Maths not English Literature at University! (Cringe – Ed) We had seen little or nothing of Able Seaman Mumm throughout the voyage. He turned out to be a thoroughly pleasant chap. Regrettably his constitution was not up to the abuse to which the tropical climes subjected it and he passed away shortly after we’d crossed the Equator. He was buried at sea with all appropriate rites and honours.
However, providence immediately provided the good ship with a replacement
crew member in the shape of a red-footed booby from the
Finally, Congratulations to our ARC crew, Chris & Penny Copeland and Tim Dumas who have just collected some silverware at the RAYC Seaview Mermaid Regatta. |