Monday 3rd September - Palmerston Island

18:02.81S 163:11.54W Monday
3rd September – Whew –
we made it about half an hour before sunset and picked up one of the half a
dozen moorings maintained by the 3 families on We’d
tried calling one of 3 addressees on the island using the VHF radio but without
any joy. The deal is supposed to be
that you call one of these at least 15NM out. One family - perhaps competing with one
or both of the other families - comes out to you by boat once you have made it
to the leeward side of Anyway,
none of that worked. That was a touch concerning because we knew we were tight
for time. The charting hereabouts
is not very detailed – it says something like “Here be very deep (too deep to
register on your echo sounder); here be very shallow (so shallow that even if it
did register you’d be beyond caring)”. So, going explorin’ after dark is not
wise. Messing around without a clear target around sunset is not what we’re
after. Fortunately, our calls were
picked up by a 34’yacht called La Luna already moored off the island. They intervened and advised us on what
to expect.
picked up a mooring for the night although it’s hard to be totally confident
about these things until you’ve snorkelled or dived on them. The wind is a pretty steady 20 – 25
knots and no anchorage or mooring here will afford any protection from that –
much as in the Tuamotus. But, there
is little swell and the boat is reasonably steady. Anchoring? Don’t think we’d consider it. The holding is poor, the anchoring shelf
is narrow and once off it you’re in massive depths. We also note in the pilot for this area
that the firm advice is to leave this island in the event that the wind stops
doing what it’s supposed to do (blow from the east) and decides to blow from the
west. Oh, yeah – no question about it.
Our mooring is intriguingly close to a very grown-up reef which doesn’t
look as though it takes any prisoners at all. What’s
also quite interesting is that the charting here does not match up with the
radar picture in the same precise way that it has done throughout So, we now await developments. Someone from the island will have to
come out to us to clear us in to the |