23rd June 2013 - Sweltering in Savusavu

179:19.83E 23rd June 2013 –
Sweltering in Savusavu Wow! It ain’t ‘alf ‘ot Mum. And very humid. So, there’s been a bit of battling to
get acclimatized again. Having spent a couple of days
up-creek at Savusavu Marina Village (not much of a village or a marina but
lovely surroundings and amusing people) we were offered a mooring at Waitui
Marina much further downstream and nearer the centre of town. It’s also below the scary reefs around
which we manoeuvred without too much damage to either us or the coral.
Looking up-creek from our new mooring
And looking ashore – Waitui Marina
building and dinghy dock at left and left centre
Yesterday we witnessed a baptism
service conducted by the local Jack spent a week - until the
21st - with us and departed that morning by air to Nadi (Nandi’s the
pronunciation – like Bebi is pronounced mbambi - but so much is obvious). Thence to
Foredeck crew off duty For reasons that were not entirely
clear to anyone – including Jack – by the time he left he could not walk more
than a hundred yards down the main street without being greeted enthusiastically
(“Hey, Jack, bula, bula”) by several locals whose identity was and still is a
total mystery to him. Ah, the
trials of celebrity. Spelling here is always a bit of a
challenge. The restaurant that used
to be called ‘Decked Out’ – you know the one, just opposite the ‘gabbage’ bins
entrance to the Copra Shed – is under new management and trading as ‘Dinner’s
Carol and Jack went diving the day
before Jack departed. Jack had
completed his certification only a couple of months previously in
Centre – a Purple Rimmed Anemone
Red Fan Coral
Well Camouflaged Scorpion Leaf Fish
Blue Green Crinoid – a very
ancient form of marine animal prolific in the Palaeozoic
era There have been ongoing battles
with the Whisper 3.5 auxiliary generator.
It persisted in telling us that it was overheating when it pretty
obviously wasn’t. We hope we’ve
solved the issue now but it was by a pretty circuitous route and involved
eventually changing the only sensor on the set (exhaust temperature sensor) that
couldn’t possibly have been at fault given the messages displayed on the control
panel. It would be tedious to
describe in detail the preceding hours (days, in fact) of hassle in sweltering
heat on a series of wild goose chases pursuing wrong diagnoses. Now we live in hope. It’s a bit of a nonsense for such
an important bit of machinery. At
its heart is a single cylinder Japanese diesel engine. There is nothing much simpler or more
mechanically reliable than that.
This one is used by mini-diggers worldwide. Mr Perkins is a lot more complicated
mechanically and electrically but he’s more straightforward to diagnose. That’s because each of his sensors is
connected directly to a light and an analogue meter on the engine control
panel. He wouldn’t, as Jon’s Irish
grandfather would have said, know a printed circuit board (PCB) from a bull’s
hoof. But the aux genny’s engine is
connected through a variety of (expensive to replace) PCBs to a digital display
which purports to tell you what the problem is (in Euro-English). But, because the digital display system
is designed to support all Whisper gen sets – most of which are larger and more
complex – it is not bespoke to the model we have. So, the messages are not as precise as
the straightforward “Sensor A thinks there’s a problem” which the bog standard,
dirt cheap, lamp and analogue meter solution gives you. Moreover, you get the garbled message
(the translation of which in the Users’ Manual is sometimes off-track - as in
this case) but don’t know which sensor sent it – if indeed it did and it isn’t
some PCB glitch or gremlin. So,
here we have a good bit of kit that is marred by over-engineering by geeks who
assume that if it goes wrong you’ll easily get it fixed when next in port – like
tomorrow. So, all done by the time
you want to take the boat for another potter next weekend. That doesn’t actually work even in NW
Europe let alone in the South Pacific.
So, you guys flogging stuff to
long-distance yotties, would you please keep life simple? We want value-engineered kit. That is to say that it has no bells or
whistles. We’re manual, analogue
interventionists. Our primary means
of travel relies on rags we hoist and bits of string we pull. That’s what we like doing. Unlike some, we do not revel in the
alternative challenge of fixing unnecessarily complex electronic systems. We hope that some of your employees
do. We, on the other hand, are your
market. Do try not to muddle us
up. We don’t mind not having a
remote control panel at the bedside; we don’t need the thing to make the tea or
do the ironing. We just need it to
get on with its job and bother us only when there is actually a problem. Then we’d like it to tell us,
straightforwardly, where to start looking, armed with a big bag of
spanners. Could you also please employ
someone, who can actually write in some recognised language and knows as little
as possible about technical matters, to edit your manuals and someone else, who
is a practical engineer and knows precisely what he’s talking about, to ensure
that they are comprehensive and accurate?
By comprehensive I mean that you don’t say stuff like “This gen set is
based on the Kubota OC60 diesel engine but we’ve messed about with it quite a
bit so you can’t just follow the OC60 workshop manual – with which we’ve just
provided you. However, since you
ask, there isn’t any other workshop manual we are in a position to let you
have. Please contact your local
agent for further assistance”.
Guys, do you know what I’m saying here? Good, thanks for your attention.