Friday 29th June - A Different Sort of Day

6:49.07S 129:02.54W Friday 29th June – A Different Sort of Day The hurried first aid on Percy yesterday afternoon didn’t really cut it. By about tea time yesterday the spinnaker tape had pulled off the rip and we’d got the foot long tear back. So, we pulled Percy down, hoisted the mainsail, boomed out the yankee and went on our way having decided to delay attempting a better repair job until the next morning. It’s not an easy job because Parasailor material is very light and slippery. So, sewing machines have a bit of a challenge – particularly when not in the hands of professional sailmakers in a nice stable sail loft. This morning we hove to after breakfast and used the hot knife to cut away all the frayed bits around the tear and to seal the edges. That left us with a neat(ish) hole about a foot long and an inch wide running across the panel. We put one strip of 50mm spinnaker tape along the length of the hole on each side of the sail to hold everything in the right position, two further strips each side butted up against each other on top of that and a further strip each side down the middle, on top of that lot, to cover the butt joint. So, 8 strips in all. Carol then deployed the sewing machine to zigzag sew around the whole patch and down the exposed edges of the top strips. Come what may, a permanent job will need to be done by a sailmaker but we hope that the repair we’ve done will hold out until we find one of those. The repair took a couple of hours to do – what with heaving to, digging stuff out of lockers, doing the job, re-stowing and all that - and we then got underway again under mainsail and poled out yankee feeling a bit too idle to faff about deploying Percy once more. There’s been enough wind for it not to make that much difference and we’re still making better than 7 knots by and large. But, it’s a bit more rolly and we’ll probably have Percy out of his bag again first thing tomorrow morning. It’s
the first time we’ve seen how effective our spreader chafe guards are. They are, of course, only of consequence
when the mainsail is up, the wind is well abaft the beam and the mainsheet is
therefore well enough eased to bring the forward face of the mainsail into
contact with the spreaders. We’d
rather kicked ourselves for deploying from the
We’ve just finished dinner and we thought it might be worth your seeing
the sort of 5 star service available aboard this fine vessel. Here we have today’s chef; Chris. He is dressed as is de rigueur whilst
performing such duties aboard. We
do try to maintain certain critical standards no matter how tough life
gets. He is serving up dinner in
the stainless steel dog bowls (for security reasons that’s how we describe them
although, of course, they are actually silver. That’s just between you and us,
obviously). Each has a non-slip
rubber band around the base and we use them for most meals on passage. These are nothing short of
brilliant. Heel all you must –
these babies are going nowhere you don’t want. Neither is your scoff. Even Woody – the
Here Woody – come and get it What else? Well, we’ve seen more dolphins since the last report and we’ve been visited twice by a pair of albatrosses. They must have been married – they seemed to be arguing a lot. So, signs of approaching land we guess. We now have around 600NM to run. The radio chat we had this evening with a US yacht west of the Marquesas and around 250NM south of us indicated that he’d sailed into an hole in the wind and had been motoring all day. Don’t want that really but it has long looked a little light around there. Here’s hoping. |