Sunday 2nd September - En Route for Palmerston Island

17:35.44S 160:26.07W Sunday
2nd September – En Route for Well,
we’ve certainly known more enjoyable and relaxing weekends. The winds in the trough did pretty much
what the GRIB files said they’d do, starting as easterlies, backing to become
northerlies, then southerlies as we passed through the centre and gradually
backing to the SE – where they are now.
The problem, inevitably, was the sea. It’s not very bright and is easily
confused. When confused it behaves
badly. And a lot of it tries to
come aboard – and succeeds briefly.
The swell does nothing for one’s ability to carry sail so at 0400 this
morning we put in all three reefs and four rolls in the yankee. The wind has generally been between 20
and 25 knots true gusting to 30+ on occasions.