Sunday 24th June - Erratum

3:47.18S 113:30.05W Sunday 24th June – Erratum Keen eyed readers will, no doubt, have spotted that yesterday’s entry should have read “Saturday, 23rd June”. Instead of being sacked, the proof reader is likely to be given extra duties as penance. The wind has stayed at somewhere between 13 and 16 knots from the ESE. Today, we are averaging well over 7 knots which is great after having an afternoon of just 4 or 5 knots the day before yesterday. The run from midday yesterday to midday today was 176.8NM which is much more like it and our best day’s run on this trip so far. Breaking the 200NM per day barrier will require an average speed of 8.33 knots and that’s probably just a bit of a stretch even for Percy unless we get winds consistently above 15 knots. The original plan to head west as far as possible in the reputedly better winds north of 2ºS didn’t survive first contact with the machinations of the wind gods who decreed that absolutely everywhere would go a bit flat for an indeterminable period. So, we’ve now been heading rather more southerly, direct for the Marquesas for several days. That change of course had the advantage of bringing the following wind a bit further forward and by the time we’d turned it had begun to look from the weather charts as though a better breeze might develop, albeit patchily, further south. That seems to have happened. Cor, by day it ain't 'alf 'ot Mum |