Sunday 16th December - Getting through the Chores Down Under

174:19.60E Sunday
16th December – Getting through the
Chores It would be
good to say that we’ve spent the last two weeks or so relaxing and seeing a lot
more of New Zealand. However, we’ve
been pretty flat out tackling the ever lengthening list of chores. It is great to report that all 16
winches have now been dismantled, cleaned, greased and re-assembled. Although it was grotty, mucky work and
took several days, it was quite therapeutic in some ways and far less stressful
than trying to track down spares for the auxiliary generator. We had prices quoted for a new fuel
injection pump ranging from £1,100 to £250 and delivery times from 3 months to
two days! We’re hoping that the
more inviting option comes good. Those
interested in such things should note that Mastervolt have given up making
generator sets and have sold that part of the business to an organisation called
Whisper Power. But, of course, the
latter haven’t got themselves organised yet. So, as customers, we are, as usual,
being a bit of a nuisance and rather naïve in thinking that the OEM might live
up to all the hype about the impressive world-wide service offered by him when
we elected to buy the product. But,
it’s not all bad – at least we are forced to approach Kubota dealers - nay,
encouraged to do so - for bits of the diesel engine at the heart of that
generator (a Kubota OC60 single cylinder engine) and since a very large number
of mini-diggers in the world are powered by one of these engines there is really
quite a difference in price and availability if you bypass the marine route
(Now, there’s a surprise for you).
See above – a very helpful and responsive man in Waterlooville will sort
us out and we’ll have a little bit more luggage to bring back with us when we
return from the We spent two
weeks in Opua. The Whangarei is
about 10NM inland up a river and the depths towards the town basin are such that
we need to approach this at highish tide.
We did our usual trick of arriving at the entrance to the bay too early;
at about 1100 on Sunday 9th December. We needed either to dawdle or dig out
the anchor and do all that stuff.
Dawdling won. There was just
enough wind for us to roll out the headsail and ghost our way up at about 3
knots until there was enough water for us to get into the Town Basin. We touched bottom once – there is no
detailed charting of the precise depths in the channel (but stick to the outside
of the bends, guys). However, it’s
only soft mud. So provided that you
are not careering along like a lunatic and you are coming in on a rising tide,
it will sort itself out.
Ghosting our way through Now we are
within easy reach of shops and facilities of all kinds. So far we’ve really only availed
ourselves of the cinema – We know we should have gone to see “The Hobbit” since
it was filmed in New Zealand but our friends on the next door boat were keen to
see the new James Bond film. Very
good escapism and totally believable, of course! (Sorry – editorial intervention here –
the real problem is that JB is supposed to be smooth. Daniel Craig is many things but he ain’t
that – Ed) In the other
odd moments when we have not been slaving away (probably going for the sympathy
vote here – Ed) we’ve come across a few odd sights worthy of mention. Firstly, in Paihia, in the
Very On another
occasion whilst Carol was driving she was confronted by a Portaloo coming down
the road on a fork lift truck. The
girl driving it couldn’t possibly have clearly seen where she was going so
thought she might as well chat to her friend on her mobile at the same
time! Sadly, Carol didn’t have the
camera with her so wasn’t able to capture this unusual spectacle. (There is a quip here just begging to
get out but we’ll keep it in - Ed). One of the
more amazing public conveniences in the world must be the Hundertwasser loos in
Kawakawa. The name is nothing to do
with plumbing but is that of a controversial Austrian artist and ecologist who
immigrated to
Entrance to the Loos
View from the Throne (OK – I
think we’ve probably done enough on loos now –
Ed) Some time
ago, we made the decision to return to the Finally,
we’re delighted to report that the 24 foot long US flagged Sockdolager, owned by
great mates of ours, Karen and Jim, arrived safely in Whangarei from