Viana to Leixoes

41:11.16N 08:42.34W Another 30 mile passage was on the agenda today. This gave us time to explore Viana
da Costelo. The centre was a
treasure trove of beautiful 17th century buildings dating from the
height of Typical Viana architecture The main square A cheerful seafaring couple – but not great conversationalists Castelo da Santiago dominating Viana All too soon, though, we slipped Viana bound for Leixoes (pronounced Layshoinsh - obviously!). There was even less wind than yesterday so it was to be another motoring passage. Nothing more strenuous than dodging lobster pots, mysterious patches of very large leaved vegetation and an exclusion zone surrounding a moored mega tanker. Shortly before we made Leixoes the wind picked up to a decent 16 knots but from directly behind and faffing about with sails and gybing for half an hour felt like just a little too much effort after a long afternoon in the sun. Leixoes marina is in the middle of a busy port area and is absolutely packed – mainly with Scandanavians, though we are berthed next door to a couple of Americans, one of whom spent 40 years in the defence industry so we traded a few war stories about the stunning efficiency of defence equipment procurement. A quick recce of the immediate area revealed an adjacent very decent beach and a town very much geared up to the holiday industry – McDonald’s, beach bars and large numbers of restaurants. Quite a contrast to Viana da Costelo. Tomorrow we’re off to explore . |