Monday 2nd December 2013 - Safely Back in Opua

Jon & Carol Dutton
Sun 1 Dec 2013 21:55
35:18.85S 174:07.36E
Monday 2nd December 2013 - Safely Back in Opua At 05:45 this morning we tied up to the Quarantine Dock in Opua. An hour or so's sleep was followed by a massive scrambled egg and bacon blow in order that not too many of the eggs on board would be confiscated by the Bio Security Officer. Carol had prepared more casseroles than were needed for the 7 day passage - just in case it turned into a 10 day one - so, sadly, all those will go in his big black sack. The very efficient Customs Officer has already visited us and stamped our passports so once the Bio man has been we will be able to move to a permanent berth in the marina.
C'mon Mr Bio; let's get on with it. It's almost 1100 now and we've got things to be doing.