Bay of Bengal - Day 4

Paul & Derry Harper
Thu 6 Jan 2011 03:10
07:44.085N 095:42.747E
Thursday 6th January
Today has been a much calmer day, with the sun shining and everyone happy on board. The wind is coming from the SSE so the two headsails are out as well as the main which gives us that little bit extra.
We've passed Enchantress and Aspen, Chisol is about 4 miles up ahead along with Angel and Sol Maria are around a mile to our starboard. Looks like we'll have the comforting lights on the horizon tonight.
Passing Aspen......And Sol Maria
I can see a rainbow!
We'd been hearing other boats talking about visits from dolphins and we were beginning to get upset that we hadn't seen any, wondering whether we just weren't observant enough. But during the mid afternoon low and behold they came to see us, there must have been around 30 little dolphins swimming at the bow, it was fantastic, they're just so special. Then an hour or so later we were visited by another pod, this time larger dolphins but there were only around 10 of them. These ones however, were keen to put on a show, they were doing somersaults and flips right alongside the boat. Of course, by the time we found the camera they had gone all camera shy and insisted on swimming along gracefully with no acrobatics.