Panama and the carnival

Paul & Derry Harper
Thu 18 Feb 2010 10:48
On arriving at La Playita anchorage it wasn't long before the Miss Tippy girls were calling on the VHF radio requesting to talk to Amy. As it is so hot and humid here they arranged to meet up for cold drinks later in the evening and kindly invited us and their parents along with them. The cold drinks then turned into a meal where Pete from Fai Tira joined us. It was a lovely welcome to the Pacific Ocean.
The next day, Saturday 12th, was the first day of the Panama Carnival. Although not as famous as the celebrations in Rio de Janeiro or New Orleans, Carnival in Panama City is celebrated in exactly the same manor during the 4 days preceding Ash Wednesday. From Saturday until the following Tuesday, work is abandoned and masks, costumes and confetti are brought to the fore. For 96 hours, almost anything goes! Officially, the craziness starts slowly, with a small parade on Saturday. To cool the sunbaked masses, fire and garden hoses are turned on the crowd at every opportunity. The amount of water sprayed on party goers during these 4 festive days equals the amount the city uses during the previous 4 months! The madness peaks on Shrove Tuesday with the biggest parade of all. The carnival officially closes with the first rays of sunlight on Wednesday morning, when the hardiest celebrants appear on the beach of the Bahia de Panama to bury a sardine in the sand - a symbolic gesture intended to convey the end of wordly pleasures for the Lenten season.
Of course we visited the carnival, in fact we went twice! We ventured into the city on Saturday afternoon with a group of other ralliers and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Bags and bags of confetti were purchased at 25 cents for two bags and silly string and foam spray at $2, we were armed and ready for what the carnival was going to throw at us. Every few metres we walked the locals would attack us with their sprays and confetti and we would attack back. Paul, Pete and the kids loved it although they were at an unfair advantage as the locals also had water pistols. A Panamanian family started a war with us later in the evening that we thought we just couldn't win, it lasted over an hour on and off. We finally won the battle when Paul tipped a bottle of water over the mother! The music was great, as was the food and with a can of beer costing 75 cents (50p) who could complain! The fun continued all the way back to the dinghy dock where Chris from Blue Magic climbed into the dinghy, sat on the side and promptly fell backwards into the water. Paul wouldn't allow her to clamber back in to the dinghy until photographic evidence had been taken. Sorry Chris!
The BWR team arranged a trip to Gamboa which is up on the Gatun Lake for the monday with the option to take a cable car trip over the rainforest canopy and other guided tours. Unfortunately when we arrived at the resort all the trips we wanted to do were fully booked, although this might not have been such a bad thing as people who went on the Monkey Island tour, which lasted over an hour, only saw one monkey! Paul and Amy had a little trek through the rainforest and spotted a couple of woodpeckers, a caterpillar and hundreds of soldier ants, they didn't manage to spot any monkeys though. They could only hear the howling monkeys that sound like lions roaring but are apparently only about a foot high! We then ate lunch at a lakeside restaurant whilst watching turtles and a crocodile eat a bird who had been sat in the water minding his own business.
Tuesday we ventured back in to the carnival for the final celebrations. After being greeted with a queue of approximately a thousand people we almost turned around and came home but thankfully a gentleman who worked for the Tourism office spotted us and managed to get us to the front of the queue. This time the parade was much more impressive with lots of colourful floats but the atmosphere wasn't quite the same as Tuesday. All the other ralliers left us to it so we had a stroll down the main street but felt quite intimidated so we soon left ourselves.
We haven't made it in to the city yet as things keep cropping up. There has been a bit of bug spreading around the fleet and I've been the unfortunate one today, although I am feeling much better now. We need to do a lot of provisioning here as French Polynesia is very expensive. A trip has been arranged by Excelsior Tours to visit the cash and carry to stock up on drink and we'll also make a visit to the supermarket in the multiplaza to stock up on food. Although we are still yet to explore the city centre our views so far are that Panama hasn't been a particularly nice place to visit and I think we'll all be getting ready to leave over the next few days. In the meantime we'll continue to have fun and enjoy the company of the racoons (they're similar to racoons, not sure what they're called) and the sloths that frequent the trees at the marina.