Loosing the dinghy

Paul & Derry Harper
Fri 25 Jun 2010 01:35
Friday 25th June
Monday evenings entertainment was a
'Sausage Sizzle' at Mamata's restaurant, the home of the yacht club. It was a
great night socialising with everyone from the rally and a few other yachts and
we ended up being invited on board 'Enchantress' (the one on the rally) for
a wee dram - David is Scottish and likes whiskey, I may have mentioned before!
There were oursleves, Chsalonina and Alden on board and before we knew it the
cardinal puff was being played again. There ended up being a few winners and few
losers! But the biggest losers of the evening were definitely ourselves as when
we came to leave we realised the dinghy was no longer tied on the back of
Enchantress. We are now wondering if it ever was tied on. We think we've figured
out what happened but unfortunately it won't bring our dinghy back, or mine and
Amy's handbags that were inside it! Paul and David searched the bay for hours
and hours but had no luck so at daybreak we set off on Jackamy to look for
it. We went out as far as 12 miles and drove back and forth, in every direction
possible but just couldn't spot it. Other yachts helped search too but
nothing was going right for us so we returned dinghy-less to Niue. We had been
planning on extending our stay until Friday as we liked it so much there but we
decided we should get off to Tonga and start sorting out replacing everything
that was lost as it wasn't just the dinghy, all our cards were in my bag amongst
other things. How annoying!
Our crossing was another bumpy one. I'd like
to say we're getting used to them but we aren't, we still dislike them with a
passion, there is no fun in being thrown from side to side continuously. We left
at 22:00 on Tuesday and arrived at 08:30 on Friday but the trip was only 2
nights as we lost a day. On the 23rd June we crossed the International Dateline
meaning that we went from being 12 hours behind the UK to 12 hours in front of
the UK. As if the time isn't going by too quickly, we have lost a day of our