Union Island

12:35.747N 61;24.882W Monday 18th Jan Union Island We had a 40 minute sail to Union Island, the last of the Grenadine
Islands. St. Vincent and the Grenadines make up one country and this is where
we check out. Clifton Harbour, is protected by ''Newlands Reef', it also has a
small reef in the center of the harbour called 'Roundabout Reef'. After
negotiating both reefs we dropped our anchor mid morning then went ashore,
where we met up with the Jeremy's and Edith at The Anchorage Yacht Club , we
hadn't seen them since the beginning of December so it was good to catch up
over a few beers! Later in the afternoon whilst still ashore a call came through on
the VHF, from Roundabout to say they had hit 'Roundabout Reef' and had been
boarded by a dozen boat boys, who had tied their boats to them and were pulling
them in the wrong direction and further onto the reef. Paul and Mark ran back
to the dinghy and raced over to help them along with Jeremy. Paul grabbed a
snorkel and mask and dived under the boat to make sure the boat was being
pulled in the right direction whilst Mark negotiated with one of the boat boys
who were by now all demanding rescue money, even though they had made matters
worse. David finally agreed on a of figure of $ 100 EC each, for 13 boat boys.
When they were safely secured to a mooring buoy Pete dived under the boat
luckily there was no damage. On
Tuesday we walked to the small airport where customs and immigration are based
and checked out, we then walked into town to do some provisioning. There was a
small market area of brightly coloured stalls where a good selection of fruit
and vegetables were on offer and a small deli where we could stock up on a few
essentials. Early tomorrow we leave for Bonaire. Union Island surrounded by
The high street where we
did our provisioning
Fruit and Veg stalls Confidentiality: This e-mail and its attachments are intended for the above named only and may be confidential. If they have come to you in error you must take no action based on them, nor must you copy or show them to anyone; please reply to this e-mail and highlight the error. Contracts and Agreements cannot be concluded with us nor service effected by email. _______________________________________________________________________ This e-mail has been scanned for all viruses by Star. The service is powered by MessageLabs. For more information on a proactive anti-virus service working around the clock, around the globe, visit: http://www.star.net.uk _______________________________________________________________________ |