19:32.821N 045:23.998W
Sunday 29th November
With less than 1000 miles to go we're now on a countdown to
Antigua, whoopee!
We are aiming to get in sometime on Saturday which will have made a 19 day
passage. The customs close at 4.00pm so if we are not cleared by then we will
not be allowed on shore until Sunday morning. How frustrating would that be! So
close to the rum punch!
We were just discussing how the days seem longer as there hasn't been much
going on when suddenly both fishing lines start making a racket. With the
amount of bend on the rods we could tell we'd got some big ones. Paul H's
escaped but Paul B managed to catch a metre long Mahi Mahi! It was a bit of a
struggle to land him and Paul said he felt like he'd had a workout at the gym
but it was worth it! It took an awful lot of gin down the gills before this one
stopped jumping everywhere but we should get a good few meals out of him.
We think we're going to have to pour some gin down Paul H's gills to sedate him
soon, as he has become obsessed with the boat speed! While on watch with Amy
last night he must have jumped up from his sleep every 15 minutes to check how
fast we were going. He's constantly trimming the sails and changing them around
just to get that extra tiny bit of speed. Mind you, I suppose someone has to
pay attention as we'll all soon be moaning if we aren't going quick enough!
We need to mention the weather again as we believe we might have been a bit
doom and gloom about it as we're receiving a lot of emails mentioning the
'rough' 'horrible' weather. The seas were rough for a few days and the motion
is still horrible, but we always knew we'd have that as it's downwind sailing,
but other than that it's been fantastic. We've had blue skies almost everyday
and if anything we've been very lucky with the weather.
Bye for now x