22/7/10 - UTC 12.00 - 28.45S 173.26E

Flying Cloud
Julian Nichols
Thu 22 Jul 2010 20:18
That's a bit of a worry as we are nearly half way there!
I have been fixing the large water maker today - I think the seacock has gone in the wrong way around with the water scoop facing backwards because the pressure isn't what it used to be! Anyway changing the course filter seems to have helped.... I have now done more "fixing" in 2 weeks than ever before - I think its good for me!
As it rained this afternoon Amanda made carrot cake, whilst Harry helped by doubting the metrical to imperial conversions that Amanda was doing. In the end the cake failed to rise, but Amanda has now created Carrot pudding - a little like bread and butter pudding but a lot healthier!
My turn to cook so its Tuna and noodles with some wilted greens. And its my movie choice - so Bruce its is....
And then its been the first "proper" tropical passage night - clear sky, stars and warm breeze.