14/7/10 - UTC 12.00 - 33.47S 172.02E

Flying Cloud
Julian Nichols
Wed 14 Jul 2010 11:27
The world seems a much better place when you have control over events around you - and being able to steer the boat is a pre-requisite to enjoying yourself at sea!

We also had a stowaway come aboard this morning - a flying fish - which of course provided some light hearted entertainment!


But no time for rest. Time to put some music on.... so that I could start putting the boat back together.


A quick call to Dr Sandberg gets Amanda prescribed some anti-biotics to help with her leg / fever.
The wind and waves have started to calm down - and now we have no reefs in!

At 09.30 i'm back in the Starboard rudder locker... its nearly fallen out through the bottom!! GRRRRRRRR

By 22.00 there is no wind, and no sign of wind for a while. So i request a rendez-vous with a motor vessel to pick up 100L of Diesel to get us to harbour. The coastguard arranges for us to meet a fishing vessel called Madea for the transfer.