26/10/09 - 19.47.37S 175.25.91W - back at sea, heading for Fiji

Flying Cloud
Julian Nichols
Tue 27 Oct 2009 00:49
Up early to clear out this morning, and finally get back on the sea.
Unfortunately no time left for Tofua, so on to Fiji.

And almost certainly our last few days of trade wind sailing this year. So no surprise that we are under full main and asymmetric!

Of course, within a few minutes of chucking Jenny's especially made fishing lure in the water, we had caught - and then lost - a fish!

Goodbye Haapai. Tonga.


Hello pink asym!


So close and yet so far - Tofua (flat) and Eio (steep). It was by these two islands that the mutiny on the Bounty happened.
