21/10/09 - 18.38S 174.00W - Karting

Flying Cloud
Julian Nichols
Tue 27 Oct 2009 00:49
After finally clearing Customs, Immigration and Health - and quickly re-stocking at the wonderful fruit and vegetable market we decided to explore the island with Mike and Amanda. What better way than by Kart.... A hysterical day.

Western Neiafu, Tonga


Off road...


Boys enjoying a light refreshment (no rum included).... After a game of cricket, which consisted of matt "bowling" coconuts at my bat (a stick).


However Mike and Matt soon developed an even more dangerous sport - bowling with Coconuts, using Matt's head as a pin whilst he did a handstand. Bingo - Mike got him first time... and we thought he might be seriously injured. Nope. They make em hard in Canada!


Women drivers


Team home... safe and sound!
