Kinsale to La Coruna

Position 47:38.6N 008:09.216W
Friday Sep 19th
Wind E Force 4
Sea State Slight
Visibility Good
Heading 182 T°
Full Main and Head Sail
Speed 6.5 Kts
<<...>> Wind at last and picking up. Able to sail now engine off. Ursula spotted something bright and orange in the water and flashes. Gybed round to invistigate thinking it could be a liferaft. Turned out to be a danbuoy for fishing obviously adrift as we are in 4000 Metres of water. The slightest things become interesting. We spotted a green plastic bottle which entertained us for a few minutes! Put our new wind water generator (Duogen) into operation in water mode. Broke a part after 1 hour. Now using it in wind mode to generate elec as engine is off. Working well. Speed has hit 6.8 under sail.
<<...>> Had a visit from a warbler. Stayed wi=th us for about 45 minutes perching on the wheel and bulkhead, then took a shine to Ursula below and spent some time in my hat in the saloon before departing on his migration. Quite a lot of shipping.