Rodeo Toilet

Position 14:52.422N 053:09.039W Wind Speed 6-7kts 1 reef in the main and poled out genoa 454 nautical miles to our waypoint north of St. Lucia We have become slightly uncontinental in our hygiene.
Baby wipes were not invented when I really needed them; instead I was always
wiped down with a sponge before being stabbed with an oversized safety pin. I
am making up for this now and have consumed enough baby wipes in my daily cleansing
regime to bring me up to the age of three. Ursula managed a freshwater shower
today as we passed through a heavy rain storm. The table manners may have taken a bit of a battering
too but I am sure we will all be rehabilitated by ARC control and possibly even
compensated. The three weeks in our sea caravan is otherwise passing without a
hitch and there is no sense of cabin fever. The book club is also running smoothly, I find myself
watching the progress of the other members intently as I reach the final
chapters of whatever it is I am reading. I am spying, and trying to time my
last page with the last page of the book I want next. Here I sit on my rodeo toilet It’s squeaking a bit so I oil it It bucks up and down And throws me around But I’m trying my best not to soil it While washing the dishes today I had a wave in the
galley window which filled the sink for me. It saved me hand pumping all that
sea water and I was very grateful. When I looked out I could see the French
yacht Magesty just abeam of us, climbing the companionway steps I saw two
others. Things were getting a bit congested. Just then our VHF crackled to life
and it was Anthony from Pegasus who was passing us again. It is not clear how
they keep getting behind us, they must know of some secret passage. They have had very little wind apart from the heavy
weather we both experienced in which they damaged one of their mast spreaders.
It was good to hear from them again and Anthony kindly called us back later to
advise on the weather situation ahead. The nasty looking squall we could see on
the horizon was only a heavy rain shower. Magesty on the other hand, headed for Last night as dusk settled our wake was like an oil
slick in the rough sea, calming the water behind us and it took a different
colour to reflect from the dying light than the rest of the ocean. Wind picked
up gusting thirty knots and I got up a couple of times during Ursulas watch as
we were really being thrown around. On deck however, when you could see, hear
and feel what was going on around us it seemed much less agitated and as Ursula
was writing her diary under her red head lamp I left her and climbed uphill to
my bunk, put my crash helmet back on and dozed off. Boat speed is up to 8 knots, nautical miles we’re gobbling lots we’re trimming and looking winching and cooking And we take turns washing the pots |