Strange Dusk
Position: 15:24.501N 042:42.670W We had the strangest light at dusk this evening. We
were bathed in a surreal yellow light, it seemed to radiate from us and the
boat, giving high contrast images but with no glare and making us all appear
very tanned. To the west the setting sun was masked by heavy cloud, to the east
the blue sky of daytime lingering longer than he should above a steely blue and
crystal clear skirting. It was like filtered tungsten light with a frequency I
had never encountered. Ominous and monstrous we did not know what to expect.
The sea had turned a purple brown and blue veins of rain surrounded us at 8
miles. The wind began to die so we motored and went below
for dinner and stomach cramps, provided, not by the food, but by the storytelling
of Jeanot Petch as re recounted tales that included such colourful characters
as Mad Mickey and Mahogany Tim. We arrived at the front door of one of the squall clouds
and after a welcome of down pouring rain, we entered. Heeling as the wind
increased Cerys now in the hallway, passed through the living room, the kitchen
and was kicked with a firm boot into the back yard. The momentum carried us for
some distance across the patio and then dropped us in flat calm water. We were alone and surrounded again by wind pilfering
cloud. This time dark, to the east towered white cumulous above which a
cold and very black sky was pricked by stars. They shone with a light, intense,
as though no atmosphere separated us. To the south relatively low lying cumulus
containing sheet lightening which revealed, to us voyeurs, with each flash, its
ribcage and internal organs. To the west, in our path, another huge cloud but this
time black, balanced precariously on the flat surface of the large half moon as
it floated just above the horizon and light our way. Motoring again. It was so
strange to see the seas so flat out here,I didn’t get a chance to turn on
the iPod. My watch was over. Sent to Pegasus When Pegasus came into view We didn’t know what to do We gybed to the west Doing our best and hoped to keep up with her crew Received from Pegasus When Cerys was
seen back afloat We thought
"There's that Irish boat!" She took a dig to
the north Then back to the
south We're sure she
was pulling a hoax |