Bayona to Pavoa de Varzim 2
Sat 18 Oct 2008 14:41
Position 41:48.636N
008:55.316W Saturday October 18th
14h46 Wind N Force 3-4 Sea State Calm Visibility Good Heading 178 T° Under: Main and Cruising
Chute Speed 4.3 Kts Chute up at last. Took us a while. Should have
checked out the sail before trying to raise snuffer. Never checked since we bought
it (used). Louis the rigger from Bayona has fitted a gennaker pole for us and
we decided to try out the cruising chute even though I had never seen one
before. Eventually got it up after a lot of messing around and its great. Pics Cruising Chute Ruaidhri Prendergast |