
Bondi Tram
Peter Colquhoun and Sandra Colquhoun
Mon 14 Feb 2011 03:25
We arrived in Prince Rupert Bay, Domenica after crossing the 30 odd miles from Iles des Saintes.....
...sharing the anchorage with this magnificent 3 masted sailing ship.
One of the Portsmouth Association of Yacht Services members, who provide security and island tours
for yachties.
We walked into Portsmouith town, which is the second largest town on Domenica, but still very small.
The population of the island numbers about 70,000. 
The country is lush and beautiful, but fairly poor.  There are few visitors compared with the other islands
we have seen so far.
Lots of rain at this time of year keeps it very green.
Ship wrecked in a past hurricane...this one is on the beach right outside the police station.
We took the tour up the Indian did Columbus, Francis Drake, and other assorted sailors
before us (according to the guide).
Some scenes from Pirates of the Carribean were shot here.  Many other locations on Domenica were
also used.  The kids were impressed!
We went on a one day tour of the northern part of the island.  The island is mountainous, with a number
of volcanoes.  Looking back at Prince Rupert Bay and Portsmouth.
Harvesting vegetables.
On the Atlantic side of the island....nothing between here and Africa.
Getting a drink of coconut milk.
Banana plantation.
Remains of the water wheel that drove the sugar can mill to make rum.
Having lunch by the sea with Aussies on "Strong Legs" and a South African boat who had an au pair on board.
Red Rock, like a mini Ayers Rock.
Swimming in the pool at the Chambries water fall.
Not the Kokoda trail, just hiking back from the pool in the rain.
Leaving Domenica for Martinique, 40 miles south.  Another boisterous crossing with winds to 30 knots
(60 kmh for the non sailors) until under the lee of Martinique.