Mt. Desert Island, Acadia National Park, Maine

Alia Vita
Rob & Frances Lythgoe
Wed 12 Aug 2015 14:54
44:17.750N 68:16.86W
We arrived safely on Monday morning after quite a ride. We timed our Nova Scotia departure to make best use of the tidal gates at the southern end of the island which are quite strong; remember all the water flowing in and out of the Bay of Fundy I told you about? Well, we timed it spot on and absolutely flew the first 100 miles. We maintained 11knots for several hours and peaked at 14.6 knots. It was a very wet and very cold night though, Frances stood watch inside with her heavy foul weather gear over the top of her ski jacket she was so cold. The water temp dropped to 9C at one point which makes the wind very chilly indeed and our bed was freezing, as the hulls are obviously submersed in this cold water . The frustration was that we had to shorten sail quite dramatically to slow the boat down for the last five or six hours to avoid arriving in the dark. The. other frustration was that we didn't see any whales which we had expected to in those waters.
The Maine coast is famous for lobster, and we knew to expect to have to dodge a few floats that mark lobster pots to avoid wrapping their lines around our rudders/props. The water is so cold that not even a wet suit would make me want to get in to sort out the problem, so we needed to be careful. By day break the wind had dropped completely, we motored the last hour and saw the full horror of Maine lobster pots for our selves. Guiding an 8m wide boat through a sea seemingly blanketed in the things was like someones sick idea for a computer game. Not fun, and to make it worse I'm not even that keen on lobster!
The first thing we had to do on arrival was clear in to the USA through Customs and Immigration. We rang them an hour before arrival as requested, and were asked to take the boat alongside a particular dock in North East Harbour. We did this and were met by two Customs and Border Protection Officers who came on board. They were very pleasant and jolly and couldn't really give a hoot about stamps in passports. They weren't bothered that we didn't have any and didn't give us any more. The whole process took about two minutes. One of them left me his business card in case we needed anything and his card states that not only is he a CBP officer, but he is also their Chaplain for the area. We didn't need his other service so moved on.