Happy New Year
Alia Vita
Rob & Frances Lythgoe
Tue 6 Jan 2015 01:37
We had an 'exciting' sail back from Bequia to St Vincent to deliver Tom to the airport, followed by an even more 'exciting' sail from St Vincent to St Lucia the day after.
Tom being delivered to the airport in style
We arrived into Marigot Bay to the the welcoming committee of the Hall clan stood on the dock and the Catana 'Out Rageous' moored up in the bay. Bill, Bev, Will, Georgina and Ben were on a cruise that stopped in St Lucia for a day so we had arranged to meet up with them for a few hours and had a lovely afternoon on board Alia Vita.
The 'Halls' on board Alia Vita
The following day, New Years Eve, Steve and Emma from 'Calista' came down from Rodney Bay to join us as boat guests for a couple of nights and we had a lovely evening with them and Derek and Lynn from Out Rageous. New Years eve in Marigot Bay featured a large fire work display for the resort guests which was launched from a small barge in the bay. The bay is very 'cozy' and we were moored very close to it. In the event, the boat didn't catch fire and all went well.
Calista, Out Rageous and Alia Vita crews ready for a New Years Eve outing
On the 2nd we sailed Steve and Emma back up to Rodney Bay and had intended turning almost straight around and heading south to Grenada as planned, but the wind built and built, and our short sail from Marigot Bay to Rodney Bay was our first when we had to sail with all 3 reefs in the main sail.
We have sat out the stronger winds on our anchor in the bay and will leave for Grenada at first light tomorrow. Grenada is 130 miles which will take us longer than we have daylight for, so we will probably stop overnight somewhere convenient.
Next report from Grenada!