Union Island

Alia Vita
Rob & Frances Lythgoe
Sun 15 Feb 2015 14:42
12:35.606N 61:24.670W
and arrived at Union Island, which is part of St Vincent and The Grenadines, late on Sunday afternoon. We anchored in a shallow part of the open bay protected only by a coral reef. It was a lovely spot in very clear water just in front of a bar that had been built on a tiny outcrop of rock in the reef. The chart calls this Happy Island. It wasn't too happy when we were there because it was shut! We had a walk around a desolate town but desolate
only because it was Sunday. The following day there was a little more life, but still very laid back. Nice place.

A view of Clifton, Union Island from a vantage point.

Alia Vita anchored off Happy Island with the reef beyond