Sharing a bed with a pumpkin (or two)
Alia Vita
Rob & Frances Lythgoe
Wed 12 Nov 2014 14:43
21:38.42N 019:28.99W
Another beautiful day today with good wind, blue water and clear sky and
all is well on board Alia Vita.
Despite what was said previously, we discussed reaching for the ignition
late yesterday evening as we were making only 3 to 4 kts in very light wind that
was coming from an unfavourable direction. At that rate we would have
missed completely a tour of one of the Cape Verde islands and a crew dinner,
both of which we had pre-booked and paid in advance for! As we were
discussing this, the wind picked up a bit and just in the nick of time. The
engine remained silent. We have just received the positions of all 52
yachts and see that we have slipped down the fleet considerably which is
disappointing, perhaps others went through the same thought process?
Chris is sharing his cabin with the larger vegetables and seems to have
struck up quite a relationship with a couple of pumpkins and a bunch of bananas.
We have just had a delicious pumpkin soup but not before Chris put up a bit of
fight over ‘Eileen’ the pumpkin. We haven’t caught any fish yet, but
that’s mainly because we haven’t actually put the line in the water yet.
Will do so now.