Santo Antao

Alia Vita
Rob & Frances Lythgoe
Sun 16 Nov 2014 16:33
The Rally organisers arranged a trip to the neighbouring island of Santo Antao today which was nothing short of spectacular. It was an early start at 7am and we were all tired, but it was well worth the effort. I have attached a few photos but they really don't do anything even remotely like justice to the place.
We got to know a few more of the crews from different yachts and steadily over time we are learning just how much motoring other yachts were doing on the way down here. We must remind you that we did exactly ZERO!

I couldnt resist the next photo. This was fairly typical of the transport on the extremely steep and twisty roads. You will notice that the roads are constructed with very shiny cobbles which are a perfect compliment to the tyres on this vehicle. The small oil leak is there just to add a a bit of extra spice for the thrill seekers
