Wed 16th

Tom & Colette McCorkindale
Wed 16 Apr 2008 14:06
Long: 58 53 W
Well here we are on the high seas. The skipper here, thinking that I have a
mild case of sunstroke so staying out the sun for most of the time and
drinking lots of fluids. We raised the genoa this morning and had to drop it
immediately as the halyard had snapped. We thought that we had solved this
problem but obviously not. Currently doing between 6 and 7 knots with stay,
main and mizzen up. We will use the spare genoa halyard tomorrow using the
furler track but bringing it down at night, rather than furling it.
Apart from that the weather is great for sailing and should be good at least
until the weekend which is as far as we can see. We have a weather router
called Herb who agrees with our course until then and will keep us advised.
Everybody is slowly getting into the watch system and are still a little
tired getting used to broken sleep.
Not much else to report - not even any wildlife apart from one dead flying
fish on deck yesterday morning.
Signing out