Rum Punch Ahead!!

Tom & Colette McCorkindale
Sat 16 Dec 2006 13:08
14.24N 59.48W
Captain Corky has increased the efficiency of the warp core; Scotty has
confirmed the engines can go to warp factor 8 knots.
This means I will have the honor of the last Arc Race update, as we will be
arriving in St Lucia @ 6 PM local (10 pm UK). The last 24 hrs has been quiet
with much of the time motor sailing due to lack of wind. This has helped all
on board to recoup on lost sleep / recharging energy following the
complications of the preceding 24 hrs. What have been the highs / lows? -
the highs is the amazing sense of achievement (Granny Watt / Margaret -
don't worry, wild horses wouldn't drag me to another ocean journey) a once
in a life time event that will give me personally renewed insights; the
lows, for me it was leaving my loved ones (however I think it is imperative
to have adventures - just makes the drink of life that more pleasurable) and
the few odd occasions I had to wonder "...what the hell am I doing
here?...". Overall it's been an excellent experience and Prim Teaze on those
few occasions she was tested came through with flying colours. Finally, my
challenge has almost come to an end and fortunately you have raised some
cash along the way - thank you all very much. If there are any final
donations by friends & family please make cheques payable to: St. Kenneths
MALAWI Appeal, to P&C Claire Fretwell, Norwich Union, PO Box 904 Sheffield,
S Yorks S11.
Thanks to all that have followed our adventure and the emails of
encouragement they have helped enormously.
PS Ally / Euanie: Guess who won the fishing comp..and..only 6 days 18 hrs
until we see each other, forget Santa, Dads coming.....