Madness & Mayhem

Tom & Colette McCorkindale
Tue 12 Dec 2006 12:27
15.21N 49.55W
Yesterday started as any other with an early visit of some dolphins, some
coffee, sunbathing and reading of books (VERY PLESANT). However this didn't
last long as we discovered the freezer had packed up mid afternoon.
So, a cooking marathon began with Col & I in the galley. The heat down there
is intense to say the least, therefore it wasn't long before a big swell
took our just finished curry over the galley floor. It was Ginger & Fred all
over again, slipping, falling and rolling all over the place. Then the
fishing rod went screaming, I dashed upstairs whilst laying a trail of curry
behind me, got the rod had a fight with a fish which then snapped my line.
Then "the stig" (auto helm) started to play up - probably something to do
with the chaos on board, and set sail for the Falkland Islands. So we began
a trip against the waves, more chaos in the galley as the boat was bouncing
Not impressed at all, we missed happy hour, dinner was about 2 hrs late!!
Anyway hopeful for a less hectic day, but we are considering wrestling with
the para-sail. So anything could happen!
Down to our last 625 miles (feels like 625 light years); I think we will
dispense with the usual formalities of carefully mooring the boat to a
pontoon, and simply ram the boat up a beach head!
Love to all friends & family following our progress it is great to read your
emails as it keeps spirits high on board. NU team - what's the gossip with
the x-mas nights out (Michelllllleeee!!??). Love to the Woods in China, Sue
& I hope to see you around x-mas time. Finally - my boys Ally & Euanie I'm
winning the fishing comp!!! - THERE'S NO STOPPIN' ME NOW..... love you
both I can't wait to see you (only 10 days 19 hrs and 15 mins to go).